Monday 19 May 2008

The Dress Of The Prophet Muhammad SAW - Part 1 of 4

How a Muslim should dress has been well elaborated in Islam. The Ulama of Haqq have taken great pain in deriving rulings pertaining to the Islamic way of clothing as per the Qur'an and the Ahadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

In terms of category, the Ulama say that the dressing of a person is either Waajib (compulsary), Mustahab (commendable), Haraam (forbidden), Makruh (offensive) or Mubaah (permissible). A person should, when dressing, diligently follow the Mandub (preferred) mode, and abstain from the Makruh mode of dressing. It is Waajib to dress in a manner where the awrah is covered at all times. The Mandub manner is that which the Shari'ah has preferred and induced us to wear, like the wearing of one's best clothing on the two Eids, and the wearing of white on Fridays. Makruh is that clothing which the Shari'ah has discouraged us from wearing. For example, a rich person should not always wear torn and tattered clothes. Haraam clothing is that which the Shari'ah has prohibited us from wearing. For example, it is Haraam for men to wear silk without a valid Shar'ee reason e.g. skin condition.


Ummul Mu'mineen, Umm Salamah RA relates:

"Of all the clothing, Rasulullah SAW preferred wearing the qamis (thowb) the most."


(Same as HADITH 1)


The Ulama have written different reasons for Rasulullah SAW preferring to wear a qamis (thowb). Some say it is because it covers the body well and covers it better than a sarong, lungi, mantel etc. Some say because it is 'qumait' and besides, it is less of a burden on the body, as compared to a sheet, which has to be straightened every now and then. Some Ulama are of the opinion that it does not create pride in a person, as other clothing does. It may be highlighted here that the qamis is a type of clothing which covers the aurah well, whilst at the same time - being neat, whereas in some clothing there is less beauty, like the lungi.


It has been reported from Umm Salamah RA:

"Rasulullah SAW preferred wearing, from among all clothing - the qamis (thowb)."


Mulla Ali Qari RA relates from Dimyaati that the qamis of Rasulullah SAW was made of cotton and was not very long, nor were the sleeves long. Bayjuri RA has written that Rasulullah SAW had only one qamis.

It is reported from A'ishah RA that:

"Rasulullah SAW did not leave any of the morning food for the evening, nor any of the evening food for the morning. He possessed only one each, of an izar (lower wrap), qamis, sheet ( body wrap), shoes or any other clothing. He (SAW) did not have a pair of any of these."

Munaawi RA relates from Abdullah ibn Abbas RA that the qamis of Rasulullah SAW was not very long, nor were its sleeves long. In another Hadith of Abdullah ibn Abbas RA, it is stated that the qamis of Rasulullah SAW was above the ankles. the grand scholar, Shaami RA says that the qamis should reach halfway down the calf.


Asmaa binti Yazeed RA says:

"The sleeve of Rasulullah SAW's qamis reached to the wrists."


This narration apparently contradicts the one where it has been stated that the sleeves of the qamis of Rasulullah SAW were a bit longer than the wrist. In explaining this, the Ulama have summed up the difference in several ways.

Firstly, that at different times it had different lengths. Secondly, that when the sleeves were creased they were above the wrists, and when they were smooth and straight they were over the wrists. Some are of the opinion that both are taken on estimation. In this case there is no difficulty.

Shaykh Khalil Ahmad RA has written in Badhlul Majhud that where it is mentioned till the wrists, it is taken to be the best and desirable. Where the sleeves are stated to be longer, it is considered permissible. In another explanation, Jazari RA states that it is Sunnah that the length of the qamis sleeves reach till the wrists, and that of a jubbah be a bit longer, but in no case should it be longer than the fingers.

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