Thursday, 1 March 2007

Quick Hadith 109

Hadith 1

Abu Hurairah RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said:

"A person says, 'my wealth... my wealth...' - whereas that which is of benefit to him from his (entire) wealth is only three - that which he ate and it perished or that which he wore and it got old or that which he gave (in charity) and treasured (for the Hereafter). Besides that (three) the person goes away (passes away) and leaves his wealth for the benefit of people (heirs)." (Mishkaat, Mi’raaj)

Hadith 2

Anas ibn Malik RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said:

"Three things will follow a deceased; two will return and (only) one will remain with the deceased - (these are) his family, his wealth and his deeds. His family and wealth will return (home) and his deeds will remain (with him in the grave)."


In the first Hadith, we may correlate its content with the reality in this world, where we find that there are many a person who strives so hard to accumulate surplus wealth, and this is done even at the expense of weakening his faith by discarding Solat, etc. Yet he uses so little of what he accumulates for what is actually his need and necessities. It is best that this person limit his efforts in accumulating wealth to the extent of his needs, and instead - utilise his energies in preparation for the Hereafter.

The second Hadith teaches that every effort should be made to perform as much good deeds as possible. Emphasis in our lives should be prioritised on fulfilling our Fardh (compulsory) duties, for example, Solat; and then the Nawaafil (voluntary acts). Voluntary acts assists us in being steadfast in compulsory acts. As a whole, we do not know which act performed by ourselves will be a means of our salvation by Allah in the Hereafter. So we must strive in all avenues of piety; and place importance and urgency in our actions to achieve salvation.

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