Saturday 3 November 2007

Solat-ul-Israaq & Solat-ul-Dhuha

In the Shafi'i School of Jurisprudence, it is recommended to pray Solat-ul-Dhuha i.e. it is Sunnat. The Solat minimally consists of two raka'ats, is optimally eight raka'ats, and maximally twelve raka'ats. One finishes each pair of raka'ats with Salams. The time for Solat-ul-Dhuha is after the sun is well up, and it ends at Zawaal - just before Zuhr Solat. The preferable time for its performance is after a quarter of the day has passed i.e. circa 9~10am in the morning.

Solat-ul-Ishraaq In Hadith

The virtues of Solat-ul-Ishraaq is plenty. Some are listed below:

The following Hadith Qudsi (Divine Hadith) reports Rasulullah SAW saying - that Allah Ta'ala says:

"O son of Adam, perform Four Raka'ats of Solat (Ishraaq) in the early part of the day. I shall help you in accomplishing all your responsibilities during the rest of the day." (Mishkaat)

In another narration from Imam Tirmidhi RA, Rasulullah SAW is reported to have said:

"He who performs Subuh Solat with Jama'ah and remains seated in the same place while engaging in Zikr until after sunrise and thereafter performs Two Raka'ats Nawafil Solat (i.e. Solat-ul-Ishraaq), he will obtain the Thawaab of one (accepted) Hajj and one (accepted) Umrah." (Riwayat Tirmidhi)

How To Perform Solat-ul-Ishraaq

From the above Ahadith, we learn that the number of Raka'ats to be performed for Solat-ul-Ishraaq (sometimes also called "Dhuha Awaal") are 2 or 4 Raka'ats, and the Mustahab (recommended Sunnah) method of performing it is to remain seated in our place of Solat after Subuh and engage in Zikr, until sunrise. Then, approximately, 10-15 minutes after sunrise - we perform 2 or 4 Raka'ats. Obviously, if a person gets occupied in some worldly activity after Subuh Solat, and after sunrise he/she offers Ishraaq Solat, this will also be permissible although the reward will not be as superior as the Mustahab way.

Solat-ul-Dhuha In Hadith

The virtues of Solat-ul-Dhuha are also many. Some are listed below:

In one Hadith, Nabi Muhammad SAW is reported to have said:

"That person who performs Two Raka'ats of Dhuha Solat - he will not be counted from among the neglectful ones; and the one who performs Four Raka'ats of Dhuha - he will be recorded to be among the worshippers; and the one that reads Six Raka'ats - it will suffice for him on behalf of any optional act for that day; and the one that performs Eight Raka'ats - Allah will count him to be from among the obedient ones; and the one who performs 12 Raka'ats - Allah will build for him a house in Jannah." (Riwayat Al-Tabrani)

Saiyidna Anas bin Malik RA reports that Rasulullah SAW said:

"Whoever performs Twelve Raka'ats of Solat-ul-Dhuha, Allah Ta'ala will build for him a palace of gold in Jannah." (Mishkaat)

It is reported that A'ishah RA used to perform Eight Rakaats of Solat-ul-Dhuha.

A'ishah RA said that even if her parents arose from the grave, she would not leave Solat-ul-Dhuha to go and meet them. (Ibid)

Rasulullah SAW is reported to have said:

"Whoever offers Two Raka'ats of Solat-ul-Dhuha, all his/her sins will be forgiven even though they are as much as the foam of the sea." (Ibid)

Solat-ul-Ishraaq & Solat-ul-Dhuha In Hadith

In one long Hadith, Saiyidina Ali ibn Abi Talib RA is reported to have said:

"In the morning when the sun rises to the height of that the same as it is at the time of Asr, the Prophet (SAW) used to perform Two Raka'ats (i.e. Solat-ul-Ishraaq). When the sun rose in the east to the height where it is in the west at the time of Zuhr Solat, he (SAW) performed Four Rakaats ( i.e. Solat-ul-Dhuha)." (Shamaa'il Tirmidhi: Hadith No.271)

The Explanation Of Solat-ul-Ishraaq & Solat-ul-Dhuha According To The Fuqaha, The Muhadditheen and the Ulama of Tassawuf

According to the Fuqaha (Jurists) and Muhadditheen (Scholars of Hadith), the time for Solat-ul-Dhuha is from the morning after sunrise passes (i.e. approx. 15 minutes) till Zawaal time. But according to Scholars of Tasawwuf /Sufis - within that same period, there is actually two separate Solats - one being Solat-ul-Ishraaq and the other being Solat-ul-Dhuha. These scholars substantiate their view from the abovementioned Hadith of Saiyidina Ali RA and other narrations. (Khasaa-il-Nabawi).

The Timing For Ishraaq / Dhuha

As mentioned above, the Mustahab (preferred) time of performing Solat-ul-Dhuha is after one-quarter of the day has passed. This is deduced from the Hadith from Imam Muslim. From many Ahadith, we understand that Solat-ul-Dhuha should be performed after the sun has risen quite high. Nevertheless, because the Fuqaha and Muhadditheen are of the opinion that the commencement of the time of Solat-ul-Dhuha is the same as that of Ishraaq ( i.e. immediately after sunrise), the Ulama have stated that - if due to lack of time, one performs Solat-ul-Ishraaq and Solat-ul-Dhuhaa together at one time, that too will be correct.

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